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Rikki Loadsman

180 Degrees
Adelaide, Australia
Rikki Loadsman is fiercely passionate about providing children with the valuable tools of communication and team work and just like hiding vegetables in the chocolate cake, Rikki has sprinkled her lessons throughout her debut book - The Magic of Dreams.

If you are looking for a bedtime story to read to your children that has substance and meaning and empowers them to rely on themselves to be their own hero, then The Magic of Dreams is just for you.

Dynamic, conscientious and highly qualified Business and Training professional with circa 12 years extensive experience in leading the design, development, and implementation of strategic and regulatory recruitment transformation initiatives through personal and professional development training, coaching and mentoring to elevate performance and growth opportunities. Rikki understands the importance of self-belief and has provided adults and children with strategies to break through barriers that onlyexist because they have put them there.

Rikki’s book journey started one night when she was putting her daughter to bed. Too exhausted to read her a story, they decided to become authors themselves and created a world of talking animals, fairies, a woodsman and magic. It was so good, Rikki’s daughter encouraged her to write it down.

The Magic of Dreams encourages children to dream big in terms of ambitions and unlike traditional stories and fables there is no knight in shining armour to rescue a maiden in distress, this story represents
someone realising their dream through teamwork, effective communication and having a true belief in their ability to achieve it.

You can purchase The Magic Of Dreams on Amazon books or email Rikki Loadsman at rikkiloadsman@gmail.com to place an order.

Speak to her about her LIVE Bedtime book reading she is exclusively offering to LA Times Festival attendees!